Customer profile, brand position of Marni

Marni usually be described as “artistic”, “feminine”, “funky” and “offbeat”. For those people who are fond of curious and sophisticated style of fashion, Marni’s unique and special design and style gives them a straightforward direction to help them choose what they need to wear.

Age Income level Life style Hobby
23- 45 3000+/Month Uban Life Art


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  • Competitor analysis

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  • Current brand’s position and architecture

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Marni’s original fashion focus is fur products, but the fashion taste of consumers is changeable as the time goes by. Nowadays Marni’s products of current trend is focus on rich textures and prints, chunky footwear and crisp lines, this product type reflects Marni’s philosophy of luxury intelligent, and those of innovative products are still in the market penetration. Based on the observation for its latest show in Milan, this philosophy has been pretty obviously presented by Marni. The Designer following the routine to express Marni’s ideal from simple to complexity by using canvas-like pieces in the signature off-kilter silhouette and printed florals. (Independent, 2014)

Base on the current marketing position, Marni carries out a series of actions to strengthen their marketing penetration and brand character, in the Marni London store you can find that it is not only reflects the taste choose of Marni’s clothes, but also reflects the life altitude of brand. In the store, it is not just simply selling clothes, but also combined with several things that represented life altitude such as arts, music, book. This combination between life altitude and products can enhance their brand philosophy.

Furthermore, Marni’s innovation on corporation and products is also pretty exciting, they collaborated with H&M to releasing a new high-street-friendly price tag. Meanwhile they are continue focusing on their products revolution. As their director of designer said: “Another exciting aspect was the challenge to create a comprehensive collection of 40 items that represent a part of the Marni world with all its codes, that encapsulated fashion and quality. The democratization of luxury fashion that collaborations allow is so positive. I still see women wearing the collection and it makes me really happy.” (Independent, 2014)

The investment from Rosso, the man who established a denim empire brand Diesel, will continue focus on Marni’s future development. Based on his recently interview, his next step will be much more related with developing Marni’s brand influence rather than increasing its sales. “Most of the small that are the backbone of the industry are often on the edge of bankruptcy, which would mean the disappearance of one of Italy’s most precious assets. Our ambition is to develop Marni into an even more successful business, while respecting and nurturing the unique identity and spirit of the brand.” As Rosso said. Because of that, work with large and ideal partner to enhance Marni’s brand is a major task in the next few years. (Independent, 2014)


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Independent, 2014. Consuelo Castiglioni interview: Marni founder is celebrating the luxury label’s 20th anniversary. [Online] Available at: [Accessed August 2015].

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